Tuesday, September 18, 2007     7:00 P.M.



Committee Members: Carol White, Chair, Ken Pelton, Jerry Wiles, Jen Belesca, and Beverly Johnson
Administration: Superintendent Alton L. Hadley, III
Staff: Althea Dugliss

Carol White, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM

White led the Committee members and those present in the salute to the flag.

3.      Approval of Agenda                                                    (A)
         Motion to approve the agenda
         Moved- Belesca, second- Pelton                         Approved            5-0-0

4.      Approval of Minutes                                                    (A)   
         Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on September 4, 2007
         Moved- Johnson, seconded- Wiles                     Approved            5-0-0

5.      Correspondence                                                           (I)
         Included in Superintendent’s Report

6.      Public Comment

7.      Reports                                                                      (I)(D)

White’s comments are included under Old Business

Hadley reported briefly on the meeting with the Selectmen on the 5th of September.  He stated that Town Administrator paid our first official warrant on Thursday the 6th.
Hadley reported that the Chebeague Island School had received a gift of $5,000.00 from Phyllis and John Cacoulidis to enhance the education of the students of Chebeague Island.  
8.      Old Business                                                               (I)(D)(A)

White reported on her recent discussions with CTC regarding issues surrounding student and adult transportation.  She submitted a draft copy of an agreement that is a result of those deliberations. (Attached to the official minutes)  She stated that she would be meeting with CTC Officers later this week to try and reach a final agreement.

Hadley distributed the Financial Report for the month of August.

The final Tuition Agreement with MSAD # 51 was discussed.  Hadley reported that the MSAD #51 Board would be approving.  White confirmed that the agreement contained the elements that had previously been agreed to.

Hadley reported that he had received confirmation from Commissioner Gendron that CISD’s letter of intent met the requirements of the Law.  He further reported that he and White were meeting with the other Island School Communities and the Commissioner on September 26 to discuss how the Island Schools were going to develop the required plan. White invited any Committee members that would like to attend to join with representatives and the commissioner in Augusta.

9.      New Business                                                              (I)(D)(A)

This item was tabled to the August 2, 2007 Agenda.

White reviewed with the Committee the discussions that had gone on during the withdrawal process with Yarmouth regarding tuitioning of students to Yarmouth.  She noted that they were receptive and developed an agreement that provided an opportunity in the future.  During the finalization of withdrawal, notification of the Yarmouth School Committee and Chebeague Islands’ thanks never were put in written form.  It occurred verbally but should have been in writing as well.  White will write a formal letter of thanks and share with the Committee for input prior to sending to the Yarmouth Committee.

Hadley reported that he had extended an offer to Elizabeth McKenna, a certified music teacher, to provide music program to CIS students.  She had not contacted him with an answer.  He asked the Committee to authorize him to extend a contract if her response was affirmative.

Motion to authorize the Superintendent to extend a contract to Elizabeth McKenna as Teacher of Music .5 days per week.

Moved Johnson, seconded- Wiles               Approved            5-0-0

10.     Other Business
Wiles requested that the Committee consider celebrating Longfellow’s 200th birthday by introducing curriculum that addresses his life and contributions to the world.  Wiles offered to meet with staff and others to work on this project.  Hadley supported the proposal.

11.     Adjournment


         Motion to adjourn at 8:34 PM

            Moved- Johnson, seconded- Pelton                    Approved            5-0-0


A- ACTION                  D- DISCUSSION          I- INFORMATION